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Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Frou Frou

Good afternoon, long time no post!  I've been neglecting my blog recently but as I'm off work sick, well I've got a pretty bad infection on my knee and can't walk very well and have been told to keep my feet up.
I have not been in the mood for much and even my new cd's haven't really inspired me to get going properly, but I have made this for a friend of mine who is 50 this year.  Normally something like this would be an hour or two but this has been a day or two but I quite like it and I'm sure she will do too so at least it's not time wasted.

I will be off work for the rest of this week and then next week I'm on holiday so hopefully my mojo will kick itself back into action and I'll have some more bits and pieces to share with you.

As you kow I'm taking a break from CD Sunday but have just noticed that this actually fits the theme this week which is Through the Window so I will enter this card, it's from the new Crafters Companion cd Frou Frou, hope you all like it.
Jenny x


My favourite picture of Pooka

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