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Friday 26 October 2012

Digitally Sweet Challenge - Pets

Well this week over on Digitally Sweet the subject is Pets! How could I not enter as my dogs have been a huge part of my life for so long.
This page is one of bitter sweet memories as both of these young dogs are no longer with me.
Willow was the daughter of the first Soft Coated Wheater Terrier we owned and Bronte is the mother of our one remaining dog Pooka who is now 14 years old and a bit wobbly on his legs.
These dogs are a joy to own but also so much hard work as they tend to live life in the fast lane, which can cause a few problems along the way.


  1. Lovely photos Jenny and a great way to remember them. I really should do something like this with the fee photos I have of Casey and his mum Meg. I understand why Pooka is so precious to you.
    Beryl xx

  2. oh Jenny what fabulous photos beautifully presented. Know how much you love your dogs so this is extra special. Thanks for sharing.
    Ann xxx

  3. great page Jenny, Bronte looks fabulous xx

  4. This is a lovely layout Jenny, what a great way to share your memories of your gorgeous dogs.

  5. Oh, how Cute both are and you showcased them! Thanks for sharing your LO with us at Digitally Sweet!

  6. Gorgeous photos and lovely memories. Thank you for sharing at Digitally Sweet.

    Hugs Ali x

  7. Lovely layout and memories:) I really love the colors! Thanks for joining us at Digitally Sweet!

    Elizabeth DSCDT



My favourite picture of Pooka

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